Monday, July 31, 2006

More Pictures of Lu Yu Fei

The Stork Has Landed! Lu Yu Fei

The stork has landed with Lu Yu Fei in tow.

Lu is her last name, Yu is her first name, and Fei is her middle name. Born May 9, 2005. She resides in the Lu'an Children's Welfare Institute in the city of Lu'an in the province of Anhui, China. At her check up on May 26, 2006 she weighed 16.5 lbs and was 28.76" tall, and had 4 teeth. She is a deep sleeper (yay!), she can crawl, walk with assistance, bang 2 blocks together, and imitate words. She knows what "no" means. She is fond of music (of course, she's a Varon), she is enegetic, and has a ready smile. We are so excited!